WEBVTT 00:00:02.000 --> 00:00:05.000 I Am Different! 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:11.661 This is Dalla. Dalla is a very different kind of penguin. 00:00:11.982 --> 00:00:15.944 Why? Because he doesn’t swim! 00:00:16.006 --> 00:00:19.205 Is it because he can’t swim, you might ask? 00:00:19.348 --> 00:00:22.542 Or, is it because he’s afraid of the water? 00:00:22.934 --> 00:00:25.041 It’s kind of a secret, 00:00:25.185 --> 00:00:28.093 But Dalla does know how to swim! 00:00:30.479 --> 00:00:34.138 Dalla and his friends learned how to swim. 00:00:35.528 --> 00:00:40.733 But the more Dalla learned about swimming, the more curious he got. 00:00:42.055 --> 00:00:46.287 “Why do we even have to learn about the sea anemone stroke?” 00:00:46.681 --> 00:00:50.175 Wilmer, who was good at swimming, answered, 00:00:50.177 --> 00:00:54.016 “Because it’s cool. I love everything about swimming!” 00:00:54.447 --> 00:00:55.794 ★The Spinning Stroke★ 00:00:55.846 --> 00:00:58.961 1 Hold your flippers close to your sides 00:00:59.216 --> 00:01:02.471 2 Roll your body into a ball 00:01:02.920 --> 00:01:05.507 3 Spin around and around 00:01:06.043 --> 00:01:07.795 ★Tornado Stroke★ 00:01:07.836 --> 00:01:11.440 1 Stretch your flippers high over your head 00:01:11.622 --> 00:01:16.252 2 Quickly turn your body around like a tornado 00:01:16.392 --> 00:01:20.650 3 Keep your feet close to your body! 00:01:21.320 --> 00:01:22.664 ★Sea Anemone Stroke★ 00:01:22.775 --> 00:01:26.868 1 Be careful to keep both flippers the same! 00:01:28.039 --> 00:01:32.727 2 Wiggle your flippers back and forth as if you’re dancing 00:01:33.316 --> 00:01:36.121 3 Turn them to the side and keep moving 00:01:37.954 --> 00:01:42.192 Coo-Coo was not a good swimmer, but he tried hard. 00:01:44.006 --> 00:01:47.158 Polly, who couldn’t swim well either, said, 00:01:47.229 --> 00:01:51.695 “Well… it’s something we just have to do, isn’t it?” 00:01:52.606 --> 00:01:57.005 “Teacher, why do we have to learn the sea anemone stroke?” 00:01:57.800 --> 00:02:00.431 “Dalla, why do you have to be like this? 00:02:00.721 --> 00:02:02.315 Everyone else is working hard. 00:02:02.650 --> 00:02:04.177 Quick, go get back in line.” 00:02:04.483 --> 00:02:06.914 Dalla was frustrated. 00:02:06.935 --> 00:02:10.494 As soon as he got home, he went to talk to his father. 00:02:11.411 --> 00:02:15.059 “I want to stop learning how to swim!” 00:02:16.368 --> 00:02:18.702 “What? Why, Dalla?” 00:02:18.825 --> 00:02:22.286 “Stuff like the sea anemone stroke is too hard. 00:02:22.813 --> 00:02:27.656 Plus, it’s not any fun and I already know how to swim!” 00:02:28.006 --> 00:02:29.168 “Alright. 00:02:29.622 --> 00:02:32.419 Tell you what, why don’t you try to do things your way?” 00:02:32.508 --> 00:02:34.479 “Wow! Really?” 00:02:34.579 --> 00:02:36.040 “Of course. 00:02:36.243 --> 00:02:38.384 What do you want to do, Dalla?” 00:02:38.691 --> 00:02:41.707 Dalla thought carefully. 00:02:42.551 --> 00:02:45.621 ‘What’s something that’s fun to do?’ 00:02:46.063 --> 00:02:50.974 While his friends were learning how to swim, Dalla did other things. 00:02:51.241 --> 00:02:52.751 He jumped up and down, 00:02:53.364 --> 00:02:55.043 Caught fish, 00:02:55.261 --> 00:02:57.644 Looked at holes in the ice, 00:02:57.827 --> 00:02:59.861 And built igloos. 00:03:00.534 --> 00:03:06.440 Then by chance, quite by accident, Dalla slipped… 00:03:06.444 --> 00:03:09.344 “Wow! This is so fun!” 00:03:09.650 --> 00:03:14.399 From that day on, Dalla went sliding every day. 00:03:15.895 --> 00:03:18.741 Wilmer saw Dalla and said, 00:03:19.208 --> 00:03:20.877 “What’s so fun about that? 00:03:21.189 --> 00:03:23.325 He looks ridiculous!” 00:03:23.648 --> 00:03:27.042 But Polly looked at him and said, 00:03:27.135 --> 00:03:29.225 “Dalla looks like he’s having fun. 00:03:30.393 --> 00:03:31.537 I’m jealous.” 00:03:32.182 --> 00:03:36.646 Dalla got better and better at sliding. 00:03:36.732 --> 00:03:40.502 He even tried to slide in cool new ways. 00:03:40.932 --> 00:03:43.451 Zoom! He slid fast! 00:03:43.641 --> 00:03:46.144 Flip! He changed directions. 00:03:46.773 --> 00:03:50.234 Swish! He went through tunnels. 00:03:50.369 --> 00:03:53.278 Zip! He slid over hills. 00:03:53.462 --> 00:03:56.737 Swoosh! He slid sitting down. 00:03:57.341 --> 00:04:00.205 “Yay! This is so much fun!” 00:04:00.332 --> 00:04:04.012 One day, Dalla was sliding on the ice. 00:04:04.349 --> 00:04:08.090 WHAM! Suddenly, he ran into something. 00:04:08.386 --> 00:04:11.148 It was the belly of a seal. 00:04:11.958 --> 00:04:15.954 “Look here, little one. You need to hurry and get out of the way. 00:04:15.977 --> 00:04:19.174 The sliding competition is about to start.” 00:04:19.569 --> 00:04:21.140 “Sliding competition? 00:04:21.523 --> 00:04:23.999 I want to join the competition too!” 00:04:24.303 --> 00:04:25.319 “You? 00:04:25.383 --> 00:04:27.879 Okay, you can join us too!” 00:04:28.591 --> 00:04:32.200 “I came all the way here from an ocean far, far away. 00:04:32.299 --> 00:04:34.771 I’m going to win the gold medal.” 00:04:35.855 --> 00:04:38.746 “Wait until you see what I can do.” 00:04:39.767 --> 00:04:42.844 “I’ve been preparing for this competition for more than 5 years. 00:04:43.491 --> 00:04:45.028 I’ll win gold for sure!” 00:04:45.524 --> 00:04:50.829 “Little one, you can’t tell me you’re really going to enter the competition?” 00:04:51.209 --> 00:04:53.671 “Be careful not to get hurt.” 00:04:54.030 --> 00:04:58.512 The seals nervously waited for the starting signal. 00:04:58.773 --> 00:05:01.601 Everyone else wanted to win first place, 00:05:02.055 --> 00:05:05.041 But Dalla only wanted to have fun. 00:05:05.895 --> 00:05:11.113 “I am going to have so much fun sliding with all these seals!" 00:05:11.844 --> 00:05:14.040 Ready, set, go! 00:05:15.080 --> 00:05:18.632 The seals started off competitively. 00:05:19.539 --> 00:05:20.630 But soon… 00:05:20.932 --> 00:05:23.005 “Hey, don’t pull on my whiskers!” 00:05:23.213 --> 00:05:24.779 “Get out of my way!” 00:05:24.859 --> 00:05:27.200 “Eat my dust!” 00:05:27.456 --> 00:05:30.484 “Ouch! Who bit my flipper?” 00:05:30.793 --> 00:05:34.528 Dalla joyfully zoomed down the slide. 00:05:35.382 --> 00:05:36.526 Meanwhile… 00:05:37.316 --> 00:05:38.884 “Ah! Look!” 00:05:46.140 --> 00:05:50.037 Wow! Dalla won the first place! 00:05:50.698 --> 00:05:55.858 Dalla’s dad and friends heard the news and came over to congratulate him. 00:05:56.883 --> 00:05:59.317 “Hey Dalla, great job!” 00:06:00.033 --> 00:06:02.687 “You’re the best, Dalla!” 00:06:03.636 --> 00:06:05.906 “Should I try something different too?” 00:06:06.876 --> 00:06:09.234 “I guess you don’t have to swim after all!” 00:06:10.611 --> 00:06:12.372 Time passed. 00:06:13.039 --> 00:06:15.699 Wilmer became a professional swimmer. 00:06:16.120 --> 00:06:18.136 Coo-Coo became a chef. 00:06:18.485 --> 00:06:20.878 And Polly became a police officer. 00:06:21.276 --> 00:06:26.254 Dalla became a sliding coach and taught many sliding players. 00:06:27.963 --> 00:06:29.205 Then one day, 00:06:29.686 --> 00:06:34.716 Dalla was sliding on the ice and fell SPLASH right into the ocean! 00:06:36.221 --> 00:06:42.236 Dalla was a little surprised because he hadn’t been in the ocean for a very long time. 00:06:42.683 --> 00:06:45.386 “Wow, the ocean is so cool! 00:06:45.779 --> 00:06:47.237 I want to see more.” 00:06:48.032 --> 00:06:50.852 “Maybe I should try swimming?”