WEBVTT 00:00:08.708 --> 00:00:15.333 "You lazy bear! Bandal, wake up." 00:00:15.333 --> 00:00:19.875 Mother Black Bear tried to wake Baby Black Bear up. 00:00:19.875 --> 00:00:23.375 "Ahhh-ummm!" 00:00:23.375 --> 00:00:28.083 Bandal yawned and stretched. 00:00:28.083 --> 00:00:36.208 "Bandal, warm springtime is here. Let's go outside." 00:00:36.208 --> 00:00:42.833 Bandal held his mother's hand and went outside the cave. 00:00:42.833 --> 00:00:47.875 "Your hand is big but mine is small," 00:00:47.875 --> 00:00:50.958 said Bandal. 00:00:50.958 --> 00:00:56.666 "It'll get bigger like my hand when you grow up." 00:00:56.666 --> 00:01:04.041 "Really? Will my half-moon pattern get bigger too?" 00:01:04.041 --> 00:01:10.916 "Of course. It'll get bigger than mine." 00:01:10.916 --> 00:01:15.916 The forest was full of beautiful flowers. 00:01:15.916 --> 00:01:21.458 A butterfly fluttered toward Bandal. 00:01:21.458 --> 00:01:26.125 "Hello, I'm Bandal." 00:01:26.125 --> 00:01:31.791 Bandal said hello while following the butterfly. 00:01:31.791 --> 00:01:38.708 While following it, Bandal stopped in front of a tree. 00:01:38.708 --> 00:01:43.375 "Mom, I want to climb this tree." 00:01:43.375 --> 00:01:48.916 "Okay, give it a try. Be brave, now." 00:01:48.916 --> 00:01:55.333 Bandal began to climb the tree bravely. 00:01:55.333 --> 00:01:57.625 "Oh, no!" 00:01:57.625 --> 00:02:02.916 Bandal slipped down from the tree. 00:02:02.916 --> 00:02:05.958 "Are you okay, Bandal?" 00:02:05.958 --> 00:02:09.958 Mother bear asked with concern. 00:02:09.958 --> 00:02:14.333 "Yes, I'll try again." 00:02:14.333 --> 00:02:18.958 "Oh, you're a brave bear, aren't you?" 00:02:18.958 --> 00:02:24.541 Bandal felt better after hearing his mother's compliment. 00:02:24.541 --> 00:02:30.375 "Mom, look at me! I climbed all the way up here." 00:02:30.375 --> 00:02:34.708 "Great job, Bandal!" 00:02:34.708 --> 00:02:39.000 Mother Bear smiled with joy. 00:02:39.000 --> 00:02:45.708 Bandal was so happy to be with his mom. 00:02:45.708 --> 00:02:52.541 Then suddenly, a huge wild pig ran towards Bandal. 00:02:52.541 --> 00:02:55.541 "Roar!" 00:02:55.541 --> 00:03:00.791 Bandal was so scared that he closed his eyes. 00:03:00.791 --> 00:03:05.458 "Bandal, climb to the top of the tree now!", 00:03:05.458 --> 00:03:09.750 Mother bear shouted. 00:03:09.750 --> 00:03:16.083 Mother bear raised her two paws towards the wild pig. 00:03:16.083 --> 00:03:22.833 Then, the wild pig got scared and ran away to the forest. 00:03:22.833 --> 00:03:26.916 "I climbed up to the top just like you told me, and 00:03:26.916 --> 00:03:29.250 I wasn't scared at all." 00:03:29.250 --> 00:03:34.500 "Oh, my brave son! I'm really proud 00:03:34.500 --> 00:03:37.625 of you," 00:03:37.625 --> 00:03:43.583 said mother bear while hugging Bandal tightly. 00:03:43.583 --> 00:03:52.083 The sun was blazing, and the cicadas were chirping. It was a hot summer. 00:03:52.083 --> 00:03:57.541 Bandal went to the stream with his mother. 00:03:57.541 --> 00:04:01.541 "Oh, it's so cool here!" 00:04:01.541 --> 00:04:06.125 Bandal splashed the water. 00:04:06.125 --> 00:04:11.083 "Oh, it's cold! Bandal, stop!" 00:04:11.083 --> 00:04:17.333 Bandal had great fun with his mother. 00:04:17.333 --> 00:04:24.541 During fall, the green tree changes its clothes to red and yellow. 00:04:24.541 --> 00:04:29.958 Bandal buried himself in the fallen leaves and rolled around. 00:04:29.958 --> 00:04:33.041 "Mom, look at me!" 00:04:33.041 --> 00:04:37.166 "Ha ha ha! You naughty bear!" 00:04:37.166 --> 00:04:40.458 Mother bear smiled. 00:04:40.458 --> 00:04:47.000 "Bandal, should we go and eat acorns with our friends in the forest?" 00:04:47.000 --> 00:04:52.916 Toc! An acorn dropped on Bandal's head. 00:04:52.916 --> 00:04:58.583 Bandal munched on the acorn. 00:04:58.583 --> 00:05:02.166 A raccoon also munched on it, 00:05:02.166 --> 00:05:06.291 and so did a flying squirrel. 00:05:06.291 --> 00:05:11.875 An acorn tastes really good when it is shared with friends. 00:05:11.875 --> 00:05:16.875 "One for mom, and one for Bandal!" 00:05:16.875 --> 00:05:22.791 It tastes even better when it is shared with mom. 00:05:22.791 --> 00:05:28.458 One day, Bandal asked his mom while shivering. 00:05:28.458 --> 00:05:34.916 "Oh, it's cold… Mom, why is it so cold?" 00:05:34.916 --> 00:05:40.625 "You must be really cold. Let me hug you. 00:05:40.625 --> 00:05:47.375 It's cold because winter is coming soon." 00:05:47.375 --> 00:05:53.500 Mother Bear brought lots of food that Bandal likes. 00:05:53.500 --> 00:05:58.208 "We have to eat a lot before winter arrives." 00:05:58.208 --> 00:06:01.291 "We have to eat all of this?", 00:06:01.291 --> 00:06:05.791 Bandal asked with amazement. 00:06:05.791 --> 00:06:12.541 "Black bears like us have to sleep for a long time through the winter." 00:06:12.541 --> 00:06:23.916 Bandal and his mom ate pine nuts, walnuts, acorns, and wild grapes. 00:06:23.916 --> 00:06:31.291 Mother bear's belly was full and so was Bandal's. 00:06:31.291 --> 00:06:38.916 Bandal and his mom moved to a warm cave to spend the winter. 00:06:38.916 --> 00:06:45.333 "Ahhh-uum! Mom, I'm sleepy." 00:06:45.333 --> 00:06:49.000 Bandal cuddled up in his mom's arms. 00:06:49.000 --> 00:06:53.583 "Mom, when will spring come?" 00:06:53.583 --> 00:07:03.875 "We can go on a spring picnic after one, two, three, four…. 100 days. 00:07:03.875 --> 00:07:07.708 Good night, Bandal." 00:07:07.708 --> 00:07:10.166 Knock! Knock! Knock! 00:07:10.166 --> 00:07:16.375 The snow melted and made Bandal's dry leaf blanket wet. 00:07:16.375 --> 00:07:18.833 Cough cough! 00:07:18.833 --> 00:07:24.458 Mother bear woke up after hearing Bandal's coughs. 00:07:24.458 --> 00:07:30.208 "Oh dear, Bandal has a fever." 00:07:30.208 --> 00:07:37.250 Mother bear was worried about Bandal's sickness. 00:07:37.250 --> 00:07:44.250 Mother bear went outside the cave to get dry leaves for Bandal. 00:07:44.250 --> 00:07:49.125 There was a strong wind outside. 00:07:49.125 --> 00:07:54.291 "I'll be able to get dry leaves if I go over that hill." 00:07:54.291 --> 00:08:00.625 Mother bear slipped on a frozen valley. 00:08:00.625 --> 00:08:06.541 She lost her balance at the top of a dangerous cliff. 00:08:06.541 --> 00:08:12.541 But she regained her strength by thinking about her son. 00:08:12.541 --> 00:08:20.208 Bandal covered himself in a new dry leaf blanket and fell asleep again. 00:08:20.208 --> 00:08:25.208 "It's done. Oh, I'm so relieved." 00:08:25.208 --> 00:08:32.416 Cough cough! But this time, Mother Bear had a fever. 00:08:32.416 --> 00:08:39.291 "My lovely Bandal. Sleep well, my son." 00:08:39.291 --> 00:08:48.958 With Bandal in her arms, mother bear's eyes sparkled with tears in her eyes. 00:08:48.958 --> 00:08:55.541 When the spring sun shined upon him, Bandal opened his eyes. 00:08:55.541 --> 00:09:04.500 "Ahhhh-uum, what a nice sleep! Mom, wake up!" 00:09:04.500 --> 00:09:11.708 But his mom didn't wake up as if she's still tired. 00:09:11.708 --> 00:09:18.625 "Mom, mom! It's spring! Wake up!" 00:09:18.625 --> 00:09:24.458 Bandal called her many times, but she did not move. 00:09:24.458 --> 00:09:33.833 "Mom… Mom, why aren't you answering?" 00:09:33.833 --> 00:09:41.958 On the day when his mother passed away, Bandal didn't leave her. 00:09:41.958 --> 00:09:47.875 Bandal was now alone and missed his mother very much. 00:09:47.875 --> 00:09:53.333 "Mom… Mom, I miss you." 00:09:53.333 --> 00:09:59.375 Then, he saw the half-moon up in the sky. 00:09:59.375 --> 00:10:04.000 "Oh? It's a large half-moon, just like my mother's!" 00:10:04.000 --> 00:10:09.958 Suddenly, he heard his mother's voice. 00:10:09.958 --> 00:10:17.916 "My dear Bandal. I'll always be with you in your heart." 00:10:17.916 --> 00:10:23.666 "I love you, mom. Don't worry about me! 00:10:23.666 --> 00:10:26.875 I'm a brave black bear."