WEBVTT 00:00:03.875 --> 00:00:07.625 A long, long time ago, 00:00:07.625 --> 00:00:12.291 the heaven was always in chaos. 00:00:12.291 --> 00:00:17.875 It's because of the naughty absurds. 00:00:17.875 --> 00:00:23.666 The King of Heaven became furious and screamed. 00:00:23.666 --> 00:00:30.708 "Bring me the absurds right now!" 00:00:30.708 --> 00:00:35.500 The King caught every absurd in heaven - 00:00:35.500 --> 00:00:42.791 Lee Gu-ryong for causing confusion with his lies, 00:00:42.791 --> 00:00:50.958 Jeo Pal-gye for pulling every heavenly peach tree after drinking, 00:00:50.958 --> 00:01:00.416 Son Hang-ja for making fun of the fairies with a scarecrow that looked like the King, 00:01:00.416 --> 00:01:08.125 Sa Hwa-sang for killing the King's beloved fish in the pond, 00:01:08.125 --> 00:01:17.125 and Dae-dang-sabu for making people die on the same day. 00:01:17.125 --> 00:01:24.791 Isn't it unfair that someone dies early and others die late? 00:01:24.791 --> 00:01:28.333 The fairies must be stupid to be fooled by the scarecrow. 00:01:28.333 --> 00:01:34.125 I didn't know the trees would be pulled out so easily. 00:01:34.125 --> 00:01:40.125 I really didn't know fish would die without water. 00:01:40.125 --> 00:01:47.250 I have two mouths, and I can't tell which one tells a lie. 00:01:47.250 --> 00:01:53.458 Meanwhile, there was an evil spirit named Son at the heaven's corner. 00:01:53.458 --> 00:01:59.791 Son went around harming people. 00:01:59.791 --> 00:02:04.541 He looked so tough that everyone was scared of him. 00:02:04.541 --> 00:02:11.458 People prayed to the heavens to punish Son. 00:02:11.458 --> 00:02:17.333 After thinking for days, the King of Heaven came up with an idea. 00:02:17.333 --> 00:02:19.791 "Right!" 00:02:19.791 --> 00:02:25.041 Then, he called the absurds. 00:02:25.041 --> 00:02:33.291 "If you bring me Son within 10 days, I'll forgive your sins." 00:02:33.291 --> 00:02:39.291 Dae-dang-sabu took the absurds to catch Son. 00:02:39.291 --> 00:02:44.791 But they were punished by Son instead. 00:02:44.791 --> 00:02:48.166 "Son is so scary, isn't he?" 00:02:48.166 --> 00:02:52.416 "Right! He's also very fast.” 00:02:52.416 --> 00:02:57.166 "He's really strong!" 00:02:57.166 --> 00:03:03.541 The absurds lamented. 00:03:03.541 --> 00:03:05.791 "Be quiet! 00:03:05.791 --> 00:03:08.666 I'm sure there's a way." 00:03:08.666 --> 00:03:14.416 Dae-dang-sabu screamed at them. 00:03:14.416 --> 00:03:16.333 Dae-dang-sabu 00:03:16.333 --> 00:03:21.416 went to the heaven library. He read books for 3 days 00:03:21.416 --> 00:03:26.125 without eating or sleeping. 00:03:26.125 --> 00:03:29.416 "Yes, this is it!" 00:03:29.416 --> 00:03:33.875 Dae-dang-sabu called everyone. 00:03:33.875 --> 00:03:37.250 "Lee Gu-ryong, you have two mouths 00:03:37.250 --> 00:03:40.583 so practice making two voices. 00:03:40.583 --> 00:03:44.458 Sa Hwa-sang, you can control water, so 00:03:44.458 --> 00:03:48.416 fill the bronze bowl with water. 00:03:48.416 --> 00:03:52.625 Jeo Pal-gye, you're strong, so make a large 00:03:52.625 --> 00:03:55.833 kite and bronze bowl. 00:03:55.833 --> 00:03:59.041 Son Hang-ja, you're skillful, 00:03:59.041 --> 00:04:01.833 so make a rope that's 999 feet 00:04:01.833 --> 00:04:05.083 long. It has to be made with kalopanax. 00:04:05.083 --> 00:04:07.666 You can't use any other tree, 00:04:07.666 --> 00:04:10.666 all right?" 00:04:10.666 --> 00:04:16.083 Lee Gu-ryong practiced speaking in two different voices. 00:04:16.083 --> 00:04:23.250 Jeo Pal-gye made a shield kite and bronze bowl, 00:04:23.250 --> 00:04:32.250 and Sa Hwa-sang filled the bowl with water. But Son Hang-ja 00:04:32.250 --> 00:04:45.541 meddled around and went off to find kalopanax later. 00:04:45.541 --> 00:04:51.458 He peeled the bark from a kalopanax tree and began to make a rope. 00:04:51.458 --> 00:04:58.458 After a while, the rope became long. 00:04:58.458 --> 00:05:06.458 But the bark wasn't long enough to be 999 feet. 00:05:06.458 --> 00:05:08.833 "Oh, I can't be bothered with this." 00:05:08.833 --> 00:05:16.958 Son Hang-ja used an angelica tree to make the rest. 00:05:16.958 --> 00:05:21.208 "They look the same. No one can tell," 00:05:21.208 --> 00:05:26.708 Son Hang-ja mumbled. 00:05:26.708 --> 00:05:30.583 At night, Son came down to the land. 00:05:30.583 --> 00:05:37.958 But he heard someone talking about him. 00:05:37.958 --> 00:05:43.041 "Really? There's a ghost more scary than Son?" 00:05:43.041 --> 00:05:47.166 "Yes. I saw him." 00:05:47.166 --> 00:05:53.791 It was Lee Gu-ryong talking behind a rock. 00:05:53.791 --> 00:05:57.375 "Where is he?" 00:05:57.375 --> 00:06:03.208 "Inside a large bronze bowl over the mountain." 00:06:03.208 --> 00:06:09.833 But Son simply ignored him. 00:06:09.833 --> 00:06:14.625 This time, Jeo Pal-gye stopped Son. 00:06:14.625 --> 00:06:18.375 "Let me challenge you again." 00:06:18.375 --> 00:06:24.875 Jeo Pal-gye jumped on Son. 00:06:24.875 --> 00:06:30.166 But Jeo Pal-gye was knocked out. 00:06:30.166 --> 00:06:34.500 "Ha! No matter how strong you are, 00:06:34.500 --> 00:06:40.875 you won't beat the ghost inside the bronze bowl," 00:06:40.875 --> 00:06:44.250 said Jeo Pal-gye. 00:06:44.250 --> 00:06:50.958 Finally, Son began to wonder who the ghost was. 00:06:50.958 --> 00:06:55.166 When Son was passing by the bronze bowl, 00:06:55.166 --> 00:06:57.541 "Roar!" 00:06:57.541 --> 00:07:04.583 Sa Hwa-sang made a strange noise and shook the bronze bowl. 00:07:04.583 --> 00:07:11.041 Son approached the bowl slowly with curiosity. 00:07:11.041 --> 00:07:14.916 Then he looked inside. 00:07:14.916 --> 00:07:17.666 "Oh, my!" 00:07:17.666 --> 00:07:24.625 Son was so astonished and felt his body go stiff. 00:07:24.625 --> 00:07:30.291 He was surprised by his own face that reflected from the bowl. 00:07:30.291 --> 00:07:36.166 Then, Son Hang-ja quickly threw a rope. 00:07:36.166 --> 00:07:40.916 Now, Son couldn't escape. 00:07:40.916 --> 00:07:47.416 The rope made with kalopanax stops evil ghost from moving. 00:07:47.416 --> 00:07:50.708 On the 10th day, the absurds 00:07:50.708 --> 00:07:54.541 tied Son onto a kite and sent him up to heaven. 00:07:54.541 --> 00:07:58.041 But oh dear! 00:07:58.041 --> 00:08:04.666 The rope suddenly snapped. 00:08:04.666 --> 00:08:09.625 Then, Son escaped far away. 00:08:09.625 --> 00:08:14.041 "Oh no, oh dear!" 00:08:14.041 --> 00:08:20.125 Dae-dang-sabu was shocked and asked Son Hang-ja. 00:08:20.125 --> 00:08:24.500 "Son Hang-ja, what have you done?!" 00:08:24.500 --> 00:08:32.916 Then, Son Hang-ja mumbled quietly. 00:08:32.916 --> 00:08:39.916 "Well, I just used some bark from an angelica tree…" 00:08:39.916 --> 00:08:47.833 So the absurds lost Son and hid themselves. 00:08:47.833 --> 00:08:52.083 It is told that Son is still out there somewhere. 00:08:52.083 --> 00:08:56.416 But he is very careful now 00:08:56.416 --> 00:09:01.958 because the absurds may try to catch him again. 00:09:01.958 --> 00:09:05.250 So what happened to the absurds? 00:09:05.250 --> 00:09:10.750 The King of Heaven caught them and punished them all. 00:09:10.750 --> 00:09:17.750 Now they must protect people from Son at the hipped roof of the palace.