WEBVTT 00:00:12.875 --> 00:00:18.834 Once upon a time, an old couple lived in an isolated mountain. 00:00:18.834 --> 00:00:21.959 The old man worked in the fields, 00:00:21.959 --> 00:00:25.041 and his wife wove inside the house. 00:00:25.041 --> 00:00:28.125 Whenever he returned from the fields, 00:00:28.125 --> 00:00:32.834 the old woman asked him to tell her an interesting story. 00:00:32.834 --> 00:00:39.500 However, he didn’t know any. 00:00:39.500 --> 00:00:43.959 One day, the old woman had an idea. 00:00:43.959 --> 00:00:48.625 She showed him one roll of cotton 00:00:48.625 --> 00:00:51.500 that she made with great care. 00:00:51.500 --> 00:00:53.417 "Sweetheart, 00:00:53.417 --> 00:01:00.792 please go to market today and exchange this for one interesting story." 00:01:00.792 --> 00:01:06.417 "Hmm... how can I exchange this for a story?" 00:01:06.417 --> 00:01:11.792 "Maybe you can ask someone to trade." 00:01:11.792 --> 00:01:17.417 So he went to the market carrying a roll of cotton. 00:01:17.417 --> 00:01:23.000 Waiting for customers, the old man sat in the corner of the market. 00:01:23.000 --> 00:01:26.250 "How much is it?" 00:01:26.250 --> 00:01:31.375 A woman who was passing by asked him. 00:01:31.375 --> 00:01:34.542 "It costs an interesting story." 00:01:34.542 --> 00:01:36.417 "What?" 00:01:36.417 --> 00:01:40.291 "I will sell this for one interesting story." 00:01:40.291 --> 00:01:44.750 She thought he was joking, 00:01:44.750 --> 00:01:48.709 so she frowned and walked away. 00:01:48.709 --> 00:01:53.834 Soon after, a man with a bushy beard asked the old man. 00:01:53.834 --> 00:01:55.875 "Sir, 00:01:55.875 --> 00:01:58.875 how much does it cost?" 00:01:58.875 --> 00:02:02.375 "I'll sell this for one interesting story." 00:02:02.375 --> 00:02:04.333 "What?" 00:02:04.333 --> 00:02:08.250 "I said, I'll sell this for one interesting story." 00:02:08.250 --> 00:02:14.417 The bushy bearded man got angry and he left also. 00:02:14.417 --> 00:02:18.291 After that, some other people stopped by, 00:02:18.291 --> 00:02:22.792 but nobody bought the cotton. 00:02:22.792 --> 00:02:27.250 In the evening, everyone went back to their homes, 00:02:27.250 --> 00:02:30.083 and the market was empty. 00:02:30.083 --> 00:02:37.125 The old man was worried 00:02:37.125 --> 00:02:39.166 because he didn't have a story for his wife. 00:02:39.166 --> 00:02:44.041 He just plodded on his way back home. 00:02:44.041 --> 00:02:47.166 As he passed by a certain village, 00:02:47.166 --> 00:02:52.083 farmers were resting under a tree. 00:02:52.083 --> 00:02:55.875 "What is that you are carrying on your shoulder?" 00:02:55.875 --> 00:02:59.166 A man with a red nose asked the grandfather. 00:02:59.166 --> 00:03:02.000 "It’s a roll of cotton." 00:03:02.000 --> 00:03:04.834 "Why are you carrying that?" 00:03:04.834 --> 00:03:06.959 "I was trying to sell it." 00:03:06.959 --> 00:03:09.625 "How much is it?" 00:03:09.625 --> 00:03:14.166 "I don't need money, but just one interesting story." 00:03:14.166 --> 00:03:19.083 The farmer was confused for a while, 00:03:19.083 --> 00:03:22.375 but then he had an idea. 00:03:22.375 --> 00:03:26.709 "I will buy it." 00:03:26.709 --> 00:03:31.709 The grandfather faced the man with the red nose. 00:03:31.709 --> 00:03:33.000 All of a sudden, 00:03:33.000 --> 00:03:39.041 a big stork fluttered toward the rice paddy nearby and sat down. 00:03:39.041 --> 00:03:44.583 Just then, the farmer said, smacking his knee, 00:03:44.583 --> 00:03:47.667 "It's fluttering." 00:03:47.667 --> 00:03:53.166 The old man also repeated the farmer’s words so he doesn't forget. 00:03:53.166 --> 00:03:56.166 "It's fluttering." 00:03:56.166 --> 00:04:02.083 The stork that had landed on the paddy started striding. 00:04:02.083 --> 00:04:05.291 "It's striding." 00:04:05.291 --> 00:04:08.750 "It's striding." 00:04:08.750 --> 00:04:15.083 Then, the stork started snooping around. 00:04:15.083 --> 00:04:18.750 "It's snooping." 00:04:18.750 --> 00:04:21.792 "It's snooping." 00:04:21.792 --> 00:04:23.875 The stork, then, saw a freshwater snail 00:04:23.875 --> 00:04:26.834 at the bottom of the rice paddy, 00:04:26.834 --> 00:04:29.667 and pecked it to eat it. 00:04:29.667 --> 00:04:32.959 "Pecking and eating." 00:04:32.959 --> 00:04:36.250 "Pecking and eating." 00:04:36.250 --> 00:04:39.000 Suddenly, the farmer clapped his hands 00:04:39.000 --> 00:04:42.041 and shouted, 00:04:42.041 --> 00:04:45.375 "Hey, you!” 00:04:45.375 --> 00:04:46.917 Then, the grandfather also repeated, 00:04:46.917 --> 00:04:50.458 "Hey, you!” 00:04:50.458 --> 00:04:56.333 Then, the stork fluttered and flew far away. 00:04:56.333 --> 00:04:59.625 "It's fluttering away." 00:04:59.625 --> 00:05:02.458 "It's fluttering away." 00:05:02.458 --> 00:05:04.959 "This is the end of the story." 00:05:04.959 --> 00:05:10.250 "Oh, it was so interesting. Thank you." 00:05:10.250 --> 00:05:14.709 The grandfather gladly gave his roll of cotton to the farmer. 00:05:14.709 --> 00:05:19.041 and hurried home. 00:05:19.041 --> 00:05:24.625 When the old man arrived at home, it was in the middle of the night. 00:05:24.625 --> 00:05:28.667 His wife, who was waiting for him all day, 00:05:28.667 --> 00:05:31.667 welcomed him. 00:05:31.667 --> 00:05:33.625 "So, sweetheart, 00:05:33.625 --> 00:05:38.583 did you exchange my cotton for an interesting story?" 00:05:38.583 --> 00:05:43.792 She entered the room and looked closely at his face 00:05:43.792 --> 00:05:46.667 because she really wanted to hear a story. 00:05:46.667 --> 00:05:49.291 He cleared his throat, 00:05:49.291 --> 00:05:51.125 "Ahem!, 00:05:51.125 --> 00:05:53.917 then, started to tell her a story. 00:05:53.917 --> 00:05:55.959 As he was getting ready, 00:05:55.959 --> 00:05:58.500 a big, black shadow jumped over the fence 00:05:58.500 --> 00:06:02.917 into the garden. 00:06:02.917 --> 00:06:04.750 It was a thief. 00:06:04.750 --> 00:06:07.166 In a loud voice, he started 00:06:07.166 --> 00:06:12.166 telling the story that he heard from the farmer. 00:06:12.166 --> 00:06:15.583 "It's fluttering." 00:06:15.583 --> 00:06:19.417 Then, his wife repeated loudly. 00:06:19.417 --> 00:06:22.417 "It's fluttering." 00:06:22.417 --> 00:06:25.709 The thief was startled because of the sound, 00:06:25.709 --> 00:06:29.333 and then sneaked into the kitchen with big steps. 00:06:29.333 --> 00:06:33.166 "It's striding." 00:06:33.166 --> 00:06:36.792 "It's striding." 00:06:36.792 --> 00:06:43.375 The thief's heart was pounding and he snooped into the kitchen. 00:06:43.375 --> 00:06:46.500 Then, there came a sound from the room, " 00:06:46.500 --> 00:06:49.917 "It's snooping." 00:06:49.917 --> 00:06:54.792 "It's snooping." 00:06:54.792 --> 00:06:58.083 Just then, the thief found a crust of overcooked rice 00:06:58.083 --> 00:07:01.166 on top of a wood-burning stove. 00:07:01.166 --> 00:07:04.125 So, he picked it up and ate it 00:07:04.125 --> 00:07:06.458 because he was hungry. 00:07:06.458 --> 00:07:09.917 "Pecking and eating." 00:07:09.917 --> 00:07:13.083 "Pecking and eating." 00:07:13.083 --> 00:07:17.333 Now, the thief was frightened to death 00:07:17.333 --> 00:07:20.834 because he thought someone was watching him. 00:07:20.834 --> 00:07:26.542 Suddenly, in the room, the old man shouted, 00:07:26.542 --> 00:07:29.125 "Hey, you!” 00:07:29.125 --> 00:07:31.041 "Hey, you! " 00:07:31.041 --> 00:07:33.500 His wife followed him. 00:07:33.500 --> 00:07:40.125 After hearing them, the thief escaped from the house as fast as his legs could carry him. 00:07:40.125 --> 00:07:44.709 Now, the old couple said loudly, 00:07:44.709 --> 00:07:47.959 "It's fluttering away." 00:07:47.959 --> 00:07:50.875 "It's fluttering away." 00:07:50.875 --> 00:07:56.625 The thief was horrified and ran far away. 00:07:56.625 --> 00:07:59.959 The couple, who didn’t know what was happening, 00:07:59.959 --> 00:08:04.000 kept talking. 00:08:04.000 --> 00:08:06.583 When they were finished, the old woman asked, 00:08:06.583 --> 00:08:09.417 "Oh, sweetheart, 00:08:09.417 --> 00:08:14.208 where did you hear such a funny story?" 00:08:14.208 --> 00:08:21.291 "I heard it from a farmer with a red nose who was resting under a tree." 00:08:21.291 --> 00:08:23.750 "Oh, I see." 00:08:23.750 --> 00:08:27.625 The couple started 00:08:27.625 --> 00:08:30.291 laughing loudly, 00:08:30.291 --> 00:08:32.500 "Ha-ha", 00:08:32.500 --> 00:08:36.125 "Ho-ho".